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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) reading strategy (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: reading strategy

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_Íkalatxt178 - : Taylor, A., Stevens, J.R. y Asher, W. (2006). The effects of explicit reading strategy training on L2 reading comprehension: A meta-analysis . En J. M. Norris y L. Ortega (Eds.), Synthesizing Research on Language Learning and Teaching (pp. 213-244). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Company. [ [112]Links ]

paper VE_Letrastxt159 - : 59. Taylor, A., Stevens, J.R. y Asher, W. (2006). The effects of Explicit Reading Strategy Training on L2 reading comprehension: A meta-analysis . En Norris, J.M. y Ortega, L. (Eds.) Synthesizing research on language learning and teaching (pp. 213-244). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Company. [ [95]Links ]

Evaluando al candidato reading strategy:

reading strategy
Frec: 57
Docs: 24
Nombre propio: 1 / 57 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.146 = ( + (1+0) / (1+5.85798099512757)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
reading strategy
: Ahmadi, M. (2012). Impacts of learning reading strategy on student's read- ing comprehension proficiency. The International Journal of Language and Applied Linguistics World, 1(1), 72-87.
: Ahmadi, M. R., Ismail, H. N., y Abdulla, M. K. (2013). The Importance of Metacognition Reading Strategy Awareness in Reading Comprehension. English Language Teaching, 6(10), 235-244. doi: 10.5539/elt.v6n10p235.
: Kern, R. G. (1989). Second language reading strategy instruction: Its effect on comprehension and word inference ability. Modern Language Journal, 73(2), 135-149.
: Kern, R. G. (1997). L2 reading strategy training: A critical perspective. The AAAL Conference. Orlando, Florida.
: Magliano, J. P., Millis, K. K., The RSAT Development Team, Levinstein, I., & Boonthum, C. (2011). Assessing Comprehension during reading with the Reading Strategy Assessment Tool (RSAT). Metacognition and Learning, 6(2), 131-154. doi: 10.1007/s11409-010-9064-2
: Raftari, S., Seyyedi, K., & Ismail, S.A. (2012). Reading strategy research around the world. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 1(1), 24-30.
: Sailors, Misty y Larry Price. 2010 Professional development that supports the teaching of cognitive Reading strategy instruction, The elementary school journal, 110: 301-322. [en línea] Disponible en: [115]https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/648980?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents